Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Tamper Evidence Seals - Ensuring Your Consumer Peace of Mind

Who could ever forget the infamous Tylenol tampering case of 1982? When the popular over-the-counter pain reliever was found to have been laced with cyanide poisoning and to be the cause of seven deaths, a nationwide paranoia ensued. Although other such product tampering cases, albeit on a much smaller scale, have made headlines over the years, that incident may have single-handedly led to the invention of tamper resistant product seals.

Today, everything from water and ketchup, to vitamins, medicine bottles and skincare products come with tamper resistant seals in place. This security measure affords consumers the peace of mind of knowing that their purchased products have remained untouched by sinister hands since leaving the manufacturer. As long as the tamper evidence seal remains unbroken and non-punctured, the item’s contents can be can be trusted to be pure and untainted.

Tamper evident shrink bands that come wrapped around the outside of products are those most commonly seen these days. They usually come in clear or white plastic that is imprinted with the manufacturer’s logo. Because these tamper resistant seals are broken, they can’t be put back into place, thereby adding to consumer confidence in the company’s product and brand. For decorative use and for optimum protection, shrink bands can be coordinated with the label and printed with a company's logo or tag line.

Given the option of a tamper resistant bottle and a traditional bottle, the choice is obvious. Only the former can guarantee that what you are putting into your body contains only what its ingredient label claims is in the product.
Who could ever forget the infamous Tylenol tampering case of 1982? When the popular over-the-counter pain reliever was found to have been laced with cyanide poisoning and to be the cause of seven deaths, a nationwide paranoia ensued. Although other such product tampering cases, albeit on a much smaller scale, have made headlines over the years, that incident may have single-handedly led to the invention of tamper resistant product seals.

Today, everything from water and ketchup, to vitamins, medicine bottles and skincare products come with tamper resistant seals in place. This security measure affords consumers the peace of mind of knowing that their purchased products have remained untouched by sinister hands since leaving the manufacturer. As long as the tamper evidence seal remains unbroken and non-punctured, the item’s contents can be can be trusted to be pure and untainted.

Tamper evident shrink bands that come wrapped around the outside of products are those most commonly seen these days. They usually come in clear or white plastic that is imprinted with the manufacturer’s logo. Because these tamper resistant seals are broken, they can’t be put back into place, thereby adding to consumer confidence in the company’s product and brand. For decorative use and for optimum protection, shrink bands can be coordinated with the label and printed with a company's logo or tag line.

Given the option of a tamper resistant bottle and a traditional bottle, the choice is obvious. Only the former can guarantee that what you are putting into your body contains only what its ingredient label claims is in the product.